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I have used ICON support services on multiple occasions in the care of my own patients, and as a resource nurse for our unit. I am frequently called on to support my colleagues. Whenever I call ICON, my calls are always answered quickly. The staff is always friendly and professional, and is highly knowledgeable about the equipment that they support.

Recently, I called ICON to confirm my assessment, and to receive guidance in completing a pod repositioning procedure. The clinician who took my call was friendly and professional. We quickly determined that the pod repositioning procedure was the appropriate next step, and I received step-by-step guidance in completing this procedure. Within a few minutes the procedure was complete, and the problem was solved.

This is an example of how ICON helps us to answer questions quickly and efficiently. Patient safety is optimized, negative outcomes such as loss of filter or loss of blood are minimized, and less time is spent focused on troubleshooting and more time can be focused on delivering high-quality patient care.

Because of the assistance of ICON’s support staff, I felt confident in my ability to help my colleagues. Most importantly, the problem was resolved without negative impact on patient care.

Thank you for providing such an exceptional service.

Justin DiLibero RN, BSN MICU/SICU Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center / Boston, MA

When running CRRT therapy, it can be overwhelming and challenging when issues arise, but these worries are minimal when you know that the ICON representative is easily available to help guide you (even from afar). Every ICON representative that has taken my call has been friendly and easy to talk with.  They have never made me feel stupid or silly for asking a question. We become a team that is providing CRRT therapy, not simply a nurse at the bedside and a basic "help-line" with automated operator's.

Recently, I was having a very difficult time getting the machine up and running on a newer mode for our hospital.  We did not have a lot of expertise at the bedside with this particular mode.  The ICON representative was able to guide me on set up, trouble-shooting, and alarms to expect. We talked several times this particular day, and I was so thankful to them because they helped us successfully start up therapy. 

We also had the opportunity to review some advanced concepts about the machine and its therapy.  This was particularly helpful when I had an issue later that day with therapy and I needed to check the internal calibration of the scales.

I am so grateful to the ICON representatives for their expertise and positive attitude every time I call for their help!

Denielle Headley RN, BSN Banner Gateway Medical Center / Gilbert, Arizona

I always use ICON whenever I transition a patient to APRV. It would be foolish not to consult the people that do more APRV than anyone on the planet! It is not about ego. It is about evidence-based decision making and giving the patient the very best care

I called ICON and asked for help to transition and manage a patient from a traditional SIMV mode to ARPV.  The patient was post-op AVR and CABG on FIO2 85 with SvO2 of 56%. Just four days later, the patient is on 6 L/M cannula, sitting up in the chair, the Swan has been discontinued, and the SvO2 has normalized. This patient will be progressed to the cardiac step down to continue with post-op recovery.

Thank you for your help. It is a pleasure to walk on the shoulders of giants.

Kennard Chandler, RRT Manatee Memorial Hospital / Bradenton, FL

About once a month we have a unit delivered to us. As the in-house support staff for these devices we always first take a look and try to contact the users to see how we can best help and to see what steps they took to resolve the issue. We are not always able to retrieve that information as staff schedules are very flexible and often they do not download the run. I was very hesitant to try my hand at trouble shooting this product and really wanted to see what the staff might encounter with an 800# support, so I called the number.

My experience with ICON was excellent! In talking through the issue with ICON, I learned that I would need some supplies to really test the system. I acquired these supplies, and was soon back on the phone with ICON, hanging bags and loading the set. I was given all the time I needed from the ICON support person as I slowly learned the lay of the machine. They really understood my lack of experience and worked with me, and soon we were ready to prime and test.

The results from all of their efforts and time, was the machine had no problems, and I was confident from this, that I could return the Prismaflex to Central Supply for cleaning and the next patient.

I will not hesitate to call ICON again when the need arises and will speak well of my experience to the other techs. Additionally, I will encourage the nursing staff to call for their issues as well.

Denny Drumm Aultman Hospital / Canton, OH

Recently, Lead Pharmacist, Emily Mannschreck, with the Nebraska Heart Institute Hospital in Lincoln, Nebraska called ICON and experienced ICON’s elite clinician to clinician collaboration. After speaking with ICON’s Critical Care doctor of Pharmacy, John Lewin, Emily states “I had a great experience speaking with John. It is not often I get to speak with another pharmacist when calling drug companies directly. I encountered an issue regarding the compatibility between Prismasate BK 3.5/0 and sodium citrate solution. I could not find any compatibility data supporting that information.

Dr. Lewin was able to explain that the incompatibility was actually an interaction with sodium citrate’s mechanism of action and calcium in the dialysate solution, possibly decreasing the effectiveness of sodium citrate anticoagulant. We discussed commercially available calcium free dialysate products and he shared some stories from his own experience. It was very helpful and educational. We actually just revised our institution’s CVVHD formulary solutions based on our interaction.”

Emily Mannschreck Nebraska Heart Institute Hospital / Lincoln, Nebraska

“I am a nurse at a small community hospital that continues to expand services. We have worked closely with University of Utah and our new Intensivist to bring about a continuous dialysis program.

Our nurses were trained by Gambro, and we were still in the initial phases of confirming our protocols, when we admitted a very critical ill patient. Everything was going well during the first four hours of therapy. We had handled the few alarms that were required of us.

When we turned the patient, the dialysis machine alarmed, stopped, and stated we had air in the line. We followed the processes for trouble shooting, without any success.

We called ICON, and I was so impressed with the call center specialist with whom I spoke with. I have never had someone put me at ease as quickly as she did. She was kind, respectful, and within a couple of minutes, had us back up and running. I have dealt before with 1-800s help lines, and I have always hung up with a feeling of inferiority. I appreciate the fact that I sensed her ability to handle the situation from the get go.

It reminds me of a saying: Truly confident people are neither arrogant nor condescending – she was truly confident in her ability to help us.

Thanks for having such people there! No one in critical situations, need to feel demeaned by asking for help.”

Julie Thornton RN, MSN,CCRN,CMC Timpanogos Regional Hospital / Orem, Utah

ICON provides real-time assistance and physician to physician collaboration coast to coast in the US AND abroad.  ICON recently assisted a physician from Scotland who called ICON for assistance with a patient on APRV.  After assisting the physician general questions, the ICON clinician coordinated a physician to physician collaborative call for additional support. 

The following testimonial is from Consultant Intensivist and Anesthetist, Dr. Marica McDougall, from Queen Margaret Hospital – Dunfermline. 

“I just wanted to say thank you very much for your time and very helpful advice a few weeks ago when I phoned ICON about an alarm with APRV.  I was expecting just to talk to a technician about the machine but it was great to be able to speak to a physician and get so much advice about APRV settings as well.  After your troubleshooting suggestions, the alarm stopped going off, as you [the physician] predicted.  I'm happy to say that our patient did really well.” 

ICON is available 24x7 for customers with Dräger ventilators and maximizes every opportunity to facilitate clinician to clinician collaboration.

Dr. Marica McDougall Queen Margaret Hospital / Dunfermline, Scotland